Voter resource
When “voting your biblical values,” here are a few things to consider as you compare candidates and party platforms with your faith and biblical worldview.
As voting is now underway in many states, remember this: No candidate is perfect. Look for one that aligns most closely with your biblical convictions.
What convictions and values should come to mind as you vote?
Consider these...
Life - Human life is valuable and should be protected.
Children - No child should be mutilated in the name of transgender "care."
Decency - No child should read about pornography, masturbation, or homosexual activity at school.
Freedom - God made man free. No government should infringe upon these rights.
Free market capitalism - Scripture teaches the principles of sowing and reaping, working hard, investing wisely, and giving voluntarily.
Border security - No country should allow its laws and national borders to be ignored or transgressed.
Justice - Government holds the role of punishing evil and promoting good. It should uphold a system of due process and blind justice.
Race - Government should not stoke hatred between people of varying colors and ethnicities through Critical Race Theory and partiality. Scripture teaches that all people are made in the image of God and that people from every tribe and tongue are loved and sought by God.
Gender - God made mankind, "male and female He created them." No person can change his or her God-ordained gender. Law and policy should keep men from women's sports and bathrooms and keep taxpayers from paying for sex-change surgeries.
Sexual immorality - God abhors sexual sin and especially behavior that harms children. Drag queen shows and sexual content should not be presented to children. Child sexual assault, child pornography, and child trafficking should be opposed with the full weight of the law.
Religious liberty - The church must remain free. Government should not dictate what churches teach, when church may open, or what beliefs are sanctioned by the state. No person should be made to act against his or her deeply held religious conviction.